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Rhino插件 船艇设计软件 Orca3D 1.3.0 英文版 32+64位版
- 学习卡面值:100
- 学习卡分类:电子资料类
支持XP/Vista/Win 7/Win 8 32位与64位系统
注:此软件作为Rhino插件运行使用,安装本软件前,必须先安装Rhino 4.0 SR9或5.0版本,如果是64位系统,机子上必须要同时安装有32位版本的Rhino平台(支持Rhino 4.0 SR9或Rhino 5.0)才可以安装此64位的插件,如果仅安装有64位的Rhino,是无法安装的。 必须是要先装32位版本的,再装64位版本的。
Orca3D 是由 Advanced Technology Center 的 DRS C3 Systems, Inc 开发的 Rhino 插件。
Orca3D 目前包含船壳的建模与整平工具,未来会陆续加入完整的流体静力与稳定度测试及其它功能,目前可以使用的功能如下:
- Hull Assistants - 可以迅速建立滑行艇、帆船或船壳,变更参数设定可以实时看到船壳形状与流体静力数据的变化。
- 快速而且容易地建立分段线、艉部、吃水线,修改船壳曲面形状时会实时更新曲线。
- 实时的流体静力计算 - 修改船壳时可以立即分析并显示新的排水量、LCB、吃水线、水线截面积及 LCF。
- 计算流体静力时可以使用特别的"Design"条件,只要按一个按键就可以完成流体静力的计算。
- 完整的流体静力与稳定度计算可用于计算各种不同的组合:
- 排水量 或 浮面高度
- LCG 或 俯仰角
- TCG 或 横倾角
- 扶正力臂的横倾角范围计算
- 经由 Microsoft Report Viewer 输出,可以直接打印或是输出至 Excel 或 Adobe Acrobat 及其它使用者自订的格式。
- 隅角连续性 (Corner continuity) 指令,确保龙骨前端的曲率连续性。
- 单键建立三个视图的船体线图
- 将剖面曲线输出为 IDF 或 PIAS 格式
- 阶层式树形图层控制,显示每一个图层上的对象。
Orca3D | |
Plug-In for Rhino 4.0 SR3 or higher | |
Developed and supported by the same team that created another Rhino marine plug-in, Orca3D represents the latest thinking in marine plug-ins for Rhino. Orca3D is a totally new program written using the latest development tools, and comes with first rate technical support. Development is active and on-going, and support and incremental updates are free. Building on Rhino's powerful 3D modeling capabilities, Orca3D provides marine-specific tools for hull design and fairing, hydrostatics and intact stability, resistance and power prediction, and weight/cost tracking. With the Orca3D plug-in, you can conceptualize, model, and analyze your design in a single environment, without the tedious and error-prone task of transferring your design from one program to another, or the need to learn a new user-interface. Begin with your own surface model, or instantly create a hull using one of the Hull Assistants. Easily define station, buttock, and waterline locations in your hull, and watch them change in real-time as you modify the hull surface. Three-view lines plans and offset tables can be automatically generated from your model. With the OrcaMove command, control points can easily be placed at exact locations, and sections and hydrostatics update in real-time as you modify the hull surface. Hydrostatics and stability are computed using the surface mesh, or can be computed for a mesh object. The model need not be entirely sealed, nor perfectly joined. Complete curves of form and righting arm curves can be generated, or specific flotation conditions can be analyzed, by specifying a weight and center of gravity, or a flotation plane height and either LCG or trim angle, and either TCG or heel angle. A complete report, including plots, is generated and may be printed or exported to Microsoft Excel or Adobe Acrobat. Orca3D will insert a planar surface into your model representing the equilibrium flotation plane, including markers to denote the centers of buoyancy and flotation, or it can transform the model so that the Z=0 plane in Rhino's world coordinates corresponds to the flotation plane. Both of these options make it very easy to visualize the equilibrium condition of your vessel, for example with a given displacement and center of gravity for a loading condition, or at a specific heel angle. A "Design Condition" can be specified while designing a hull, so that you can compute hydrostatics and stability with a single button click. Orca3D includes a tree control for viewing Rhino's layers, but also displaying the objects on those layers. This control simplifies the process of managing your model, making it easy to drag and drop an object from one layer to another, and intuitively control which layers are visible. Orca3D predicts the speed/power characteristics of planing and displacement hulls (Savitsky and Holtrop methods), using the built-in HydroComp drag prediction library. Weight, center of gravity, and cost properties of your model are easily monitored with Orca3D. A library of stock materials can be created, with weight density (e.g. kg/m^2 for a surface) and cost "density" for materials and labor. As the objects in the model are modified, Orca3D updates the total weight, center of gravity, and cost of your design. Objects that are not modeled are represented with point objects |